

Please contact Fr Gerardo at least a month before your desired date. Parents will be required to make an appointment with Fr Gerardo, so that an information form can be completed and Instruction given.
At least one parent must be a Catholic.
Please remember that your choice of Godparents is important. They should be people who are practicing Catholics (in full communion with the Catholic Church) and are able to support you in the Catholic Faith, and who will help you in passing on your faith to your child. They must be above sixteen years of age, having been Baptised, Confirmed and must have received the Eucharist.

Baptised members of other Christian denominations can act a Christian witness to a Baptism.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on 27th June 2017 by Rt. Rev. Robert Byrne.
Children are normally confirmed during Year 6 (when aged 10 or 11)
Our parish primary school is Our Lady of the Wayside School, Shirley.
Children at our parish school are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The school and parish work together to ensure a meaningful preparation and celebration of the Sacrament.
If your child is not attending a local Catholic Primary School, there is an opportunity for them to attend a preparation class in the parish. Please contact Fr Gerardo for further details.


Children normally receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time during school Year 3. They make the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time shortly before their First Communion, during Lent.
All children are invited to attend an enrolment Mass at Our Lady of the Wayside Church.
There are three meetings which will take place in the early evening at the School, where all parents and children are asked to attend. The evenings normally conclude with a ‘Fish and Chips’ Supper.
In addition, each family will be asked to make an appointment with Fr Gerardo to visit him at the presbytery for a 10 minute interview.
Instruction for this Sacrament takes place in two ways:
Children at Our Lady of the Wayside Primary School – instruction takes place for children in Year 3 who wish to make their First Communion.

Children who do not attend a Catholic Primary School or older children who have not yet made their First Communion for whatever reason, receive instruction from Mrs Creina Hearn. These classes are held normally on a weekday evening in the Church Sacristy and normally begin in September. Tel: 0121 448 1022

The celebration of First Holy Communion takes place at Sunday Mass at 11.00am over 4 Sundays during Eastertide.

Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Adult Instruction classes normally start in September and is given by Fr Gerardo. These sessions are friendly and relaxed, and very enjoyable. These are suitable for anyone who:
* is considering joining the Catholic Church, or
* is a Catholic, but would like to deepen their faith

If you wish to arrange a wedding, please contact Father Gerardo Fabrizio on 0121 744 1967
At least six months notice is required to arrange a wedding at the parish. However, you are advised to make your arrangements one year in advance if possible, to be sure of booking the date you want. An Information for Marriage Form will be completed during the initial interview.

Couples will be invited to attend a Preparation Course run by Marriage Care and to meet separately with Fr Gerardo.

If you are a couple living outside of the parish, your Parish Priest where you are domiciled must give his written permission for the wedding to be celebrated at Our Lady of the Wayside Church and this permission should also be accompanied by a Letter of Freedom to marry.

Catholic parties must produce a Baptismal Certificate that has been issued within 6 months. Baptised Non Catholics should produce a certificate of Baptism (original document will suffice). Where one of the parties has not been baptised, a Dispensation from Disparity of Cult will be sought from the Diocese and Fr Gerardo will arrange this in advance of the wedding.

All marriages celebrated in the parish are subject to the requirements of Civil Law as well as Canon Law. Therefore, it is a legal requirement for all couples to give notice of their wedding at the Register Office at least six months in advance of the wedding. Appointments must be made in person to the Register Office in Solihull.

Once notice has been given, the Office will normally, after fifteen days, issue two ‘Authorities’ (Blue Forms). There is a charge for these forms and once issued, they must be presented immediately to the Parish Priest. A wedding is forbidden if these Authorities have not been sought by the couple.

This is no longer called “Last Rites” or Extreme Unction. The anointing of the Sick can be administered by a priest to anyone with a serious or long-standing illness or facing a major operation.

Please contact Fr Gerardo to enquire about home visits and anointing.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is usually celebrated on Saturday mornings from 11.00am -11.30am. Fr Gerardo is happy to celebrate this sacrament at other times should the necessity arise.

Penitential Services are also celebrated during the Liturgical Year, especially during Advent and Lent.

The parish offers support to bereaved families and planning a funeral for a loved one can be a difficult experience. Fr Gerardo is always happy to meet with families and to discuss the planning of the Funeral Liturgy.

Funerals are always arranged through the assistance of Funeral Directors who will liaise with the Parish Priest, the Cemetery/Crematorium.