OLOW Youth Group
Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic youth group offers a safe and inclusive space for young Catholic children to grow spiritually, build friendships, and enjoy various activities. By addressing practical considerations and implementing effective strategies, the youth group can successfully nurture a strong sense of community and faith.
OLOW YG meet every Friday evening (term time) in the church hall from 6:30pm till 8pm – All are welcome. Min age starts from year 6 upwards. Sending your child with some small change may also be advisable as a tuck shop is available for snacks and drinks – but again no one will go without!
A fantastic time was enjoyed by 45 of our parish youth at the incredible
‘it’s a Knockout’ event ran by the Kenelm trust.
Please click here to view the It’s a Knockout videos 1 & 2
Lourdes Experience Shared…
Our youth group thoroughly enjoyed a presentation given by 3 of our older youths that thanks to the fund-raising efforts of our youth group and the generosity of our parishioners went to Lourdes recently on a pilgrimage. Eugene, Jack and Lily May shared some of their experiences and provided us all with a wonderful and moving insight about their pilgrimage. The youth group loved hearing all about it and was fully engaged with some great questions and answers.
Here’s to more of our youths going next year to experience the same!

Forthcoming events
Future Dates for 2024 diary
8th – 10th November Youth group retreat at Alton Castle.
Kindly register your child’s interest in attending either of the above exciting events.
Donations and Support. A £1 entry fee per child attending our Youth group is applicable but this is purely on a voluntary discretional basis as no one will ever be turned away.
For further information, please contact: Ray McNally tel number 07827894446 ray@extendaline.com