We are very much the branches

Dear Parishioners, during the month of May we will be celebrating First Holy Communion for the children and young people of the parish. This year, alongside the children at OLW Primary School, we have also prepared over 30 candidates through the various catechetical groups in the parish. This is a very healthy sign of growth, and our prayers are with all of the first communion families at this time. In the Gospel reading this weekend we listen to the Parable of the Vine, and we are reminded of how we are called to be close to God the Father. We are very much the branches, but if we are cut off, we can do nothing. The parable asks us to abide in the Father. This means we must try and spend some time each day in prayer, asking God to guide and sustain us throughout our daily lives. One of the ways we can do that is simply visit our Church and spend some time in prayer or come along to daily Mass. As we reflect on this important parable let us ask Almighty God to continue to guide us in all we do.
God bless, Fr Andrew.