After what can only be described as a second wonderful mass with highlights such as Deacon Sean preaching, the news of Fr Andrew Franklin our new Parish Priest, the folk group (with NO wind instruments) as well as a cantor singing during communion, not to mention a church packed with about 120 people at absolutely maximum capacity while maintaining two metre social distancing, we would like to invite you to apply for 10.00am Sunday mass on the 19th July.
The usual guidelines are below.
Please note that sadly, we had to turn about four people away today. Booking in for each Sunday is essential.
We look forward to welcoming you.
The Re-Opening the Church Committee.
- No one will be admitted by the stewards if considered to be at risk.
- If either you or one of those attending with you subsequently falls ill of suspected Covid-19, please immediately contact the parish so that others sitting near you can be notified.
- All attending Mass are expected to comply with the safety procedures and practices that are in operation.
- Please arrive early to ensure ample time for all safety procedures to be carried out.
- Everyone will be expected to bring a face covering and use the hand sanitiser that is provided.
- Ensure social distancing at all times.
- You will be guided to your seat where you shall remain for the whole of the Mass.
- Households will be grouped together and 2m from any other household group.
- Your seating place will be denoted by a ‘guardian angel’ sign.
- Holy Communion will be brought to you in your seats. You may use your own hand sanitiser before receiving Communion if you wish.
- You will be dismissed in an orderly fashion at the conclusion of the Mass.
- Please do not linger or congregate in the car park after Mass.
- If you know of any Catholics in your family, friends or vicinity who may not have e-mail, please offer to send additional booking requests on their behalf.
- If you have a booking and subsequently cannot attend, please notify the parish office so that the place[s] can be re-allocated
If you would like to book a place, please e mail giving the following information:
Main Contact.
Address of household.
Main contact phone number.
Main email address.
Names of those from your household wishing to attend.
Anyone with mobility issues and what arrangements/consideration they need.